Homag Panel Dividing and Anthon cooperate

The companies Homag Panel Dividing and Anthon, which are active in the field of dividing saws, want to expand their respective product ranges by means of a cooperation. Both companies concluded a corresponding framework agreement in mid-September.

Homag Panel Dividing, which is responsible within the Homag Group for dividing wood-based materials at the beginning of the production process and has developed special solutions over the last few years for the batch size 1 systems demanded by the furniture and furniture supplier industry, will in future be able to supply large dividing saws for higher outputs and greater cutting heights with the associated handling via the cooperation with Anthon. In return, Homag Panel Dividing will provide smaller saws or additional systems for Anthon projects. Anthon has specialised in larger dividing saws for the wood-based panel and furniture industry. In recent years, the company has also developed batch size 1 concepts for the furniture industry.

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