Finnish sawn-softwood output at previous year’s level

In the third quarter, exactly the same volume of sawnwood softwood was produced in Finland as in the year before at around 2.660m m³. After the increase in the first (2.8 %) and the reduction in the second quarter (-3.7 %), the output in the first nine months, according to the figures published by the Forest Industries Federation (FFIF) on 9 January, amounts to 8.770m m³. As such, the Finnish output of sawn softwood was only 0.5 % lower than in the same nine-month period of 2018.

The volume of pulp produced in Finland in the third quarter was 2.4 % lower than a year earlier at 2.030m t. This amounted to an output of 6.200m t of pulp in the first nine months, roughly 2.7 % more than a year earlier. The regressive trend in paper and paperboard containers continued from the preceding quarters. At 1.480m t, the output of paper slumped by almost 15 %. At 930,000 t, the output of paperboard containers was down by 3.1 %, resulting in a reduction of 2.5 % for the nine-month period at 2.780m t.

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